How Luca Ditched Airplane Seatbelt Extenders
December 13, 2021

How Luca Ditched Airplane Seatbelt Extenders

Luca was devastated when he needed to ask for the seatbelt extender. He’d let his health fall on the back burner and now it was time for a change.

Have you ever flown before and had the seat belt not fit? Well, I have, and it’s mortifying. Having to ask the flight attendant to bring you the extension strap is so embarrassing. 

I wasn’t even that big! I mean, above average, sure, but not to the point where I thought I would need something like that in my life. I never imagined I would be in a position where I didn’t fit the “average” body type anymore.

I’ve always been a bit on the bigger side, but it was getting to the point where people would comment on my size and ask if I was doing all right. I hated that they automatically assumed I wasn’t doing well just because I was putting on some weight, but to a certain extent they were right. 

I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed by work and I wasn’t making time for myself or my health. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal until I hopped on that plane and had a hard time getting my hips into my seat… and then when I needed the belt extension? I knew something had to change. I couldn’t live my life struggling to fit into things or needing special accommodations.

Gym rookie

I already had a gym membership that I hadn’t used in months so I thought starting there would be best. I made a plan to go to the gym three days a week after work, just to start. After that became a habit, I figured I could increase how often I went. 

I quickly realized that I had no idea what I was doing though. The first week I went three times and only used the treadmill. I was too intimidated to go anywhere near the weights. The following week I only went once and still only touched the treadmill. I felt discouraged and unmotivated, mostly because I was so confused about what I was supposed to be doing and didn’t want anyone to notice that I was a rookie.

Learning the ropes

I thought it might be a good idea to have an accountability partner who could help motivate me to go and maybe show me the ropes a bit. I started asking my friends if they wanted to go to the gym with me and help me work out. I found two friends that were willing to help and we started our training journey immediately. 

This worked for a time, but eventually, our schedules fell out of sync and we were able to go together with less and less. We still managed to meet up maybe once a week or every other week, but it wasn’t enough for me to see progress and I wasn’t putting in the effort on my own. It was clear to me that I needed support to see the changes I wanted.

Trying not to break the bank

I started looking for a personal trainer at my gym, but quickly discovered that the added expense on top of the membership fee was prohibitive. With my finances, I just wasn’t in a position to manage both a trainer and a gym membership. 

I did a little research and came across some apps that offered “personal training,” but was disappointed to learn that you never actually got to interact with a real person. This didn’t seem like a great fit for me and my needs. 

I narrowed my search a bit and came across trainwell. They offered personal training with a real person that I could meet with every day. They would create personalized workouts for me based on my specific needs and goals and I would track everything on my phone. 

It also connected to my Apple watch so I could have my movements recorded, as well. As if that wasn’t enough, it offered nutrition guidance, too! I could have a trainer and nutritionist all in one place for a fraction of the cost anywhere else. I was thrilled.

Motivated and capable

I went ahead and gave the free trial a shot and ended up loving it. I canceled my gym membership to save money because the workouts I had developed for me could all be done in my home. I figured if my financial situation changed in the future I could always get the membership again and have some of my workouts tailored for that setting, but for the time being, it was entirely unnecessary. 

I was working out every day with no issues. I felt motivated and energized and capable. I was even able to show my friends a few things on the rare occasions that we were able to work out together. I felt confident in my abilities and more than ready to hop on my next flight with no embarrassment.

When I did fly again, I fit comfortably in the seat and didn’t need the extension strap to go around my waist! I was so proud of myself and so thankful for trainwell. The support and guidance of my trainer made all the difference in the world. I know that things are only going to continue to get better so long as I keep using this app. It is worth every minute and every penny.

Are you ready to feel confident in your workout abilities? Get a free trainwell trial and experience the power 1-on-1 support can make in reaching your health goals. 

The story of trainwell member Luca H.

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