
Barbell Walking Lunge

Barbell Walking Lunge targets your thighs and buttocks, enhancing balance and coordination while building lower body strength. This functional movement involves stepping forward with a barbell on your shoulders to improve core stability.
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Barbell Walking Lunge instructions
Step-by-step instructions
Start by placing a barbell that is about chest high on a squat rack. Make sure you use a weight that's manageable for you.
Step under the barbell, putting the back of your shoulders under it. Hold onto the bar using both arms at each side to balance it.
Once the barbell is balanced properly on the back of your shoulders, carefully lift it off the rack.
Begin to lunge by taking a significant step forward with your right foot, then lower your body towards the floor. Make sure that your right knee doesn't go beyond your right foot, and that it stays perpendicular.
After pausing for a moment, bring your left foot forward next to your right foot to complete one step of the lunge. Then, repeat by stepping forward with your left foot, and alternate between legs for the desired number of reps.
Start by placing a barbell that is about chest high on a squat rack. Make sure you use a weight that's manageable for you.
Step under the barbell, putting the back of your shoulders under it. Hold onto the bar using both arms at each side to balance it.
Once the barbell is balanced properly on the back of your shoulders, carefully lift it off the rack.
Begin to lunge by taking a significant step forward with your right foot, then lower your body towards the floor. Make sure that your right knee doesn't go beyond your right foot, and that it stays perpendicular.
After pausing for a moment, bring your left foot forward next to your right foot to complete one step of the lunge. Then, repeat by stepping forward with your left foot, and alternate between legs for the desired number of reps.
Equipment needed
Battle Ropes
Dip Bar
EZ Curl Bar
Hex Bar
Pull-Up Bar
Yoga Ball
Muscles used
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Strength distributions
This graph shows how much weight men and women could lift for a single maximum-effort rep.
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