
Cable Hammer Curl

Cable Hammer Curl is an effective exercise for building arm strength, specifically in the biceps and forearms. The cable machine ensures constant tension, offering a comprehensive muscle workout for arm toning.
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Cable Hammer Curl instructions
Step-by-step instructions
Stand upright in front of a cable machine, selecting the desired weight.
Grip the dual rope attachment with an underhanded grip (your palms should be facing your torso) and keep your elbows close to your torso.
Pull the handles by contracting your biceps as you exhale, and keep your elbows stationary, only your forearms should move during this exercise.
Continue to pull up the rope until your biceps are fully contracted and the handles are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief moment as you squeeze your biceps.
Slowly begin to bring the rope back to the original position, inhaling as you do so and repeat for the programmed number of reps.
Stand upright in front of a cable machine, selecting the desired weight.
Grip the dual rope attachment with an underhanded grip (your palms should be facing your torso) and keep your elbows close to your torso.
Pull the handles by contracting your biceps as you exhale, and keep your elbows stationary, only your forearms should move during this exercise.
Continue to pull up the rope until your biceps are fully contracted and the handles are at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief moment as you squeeze your biceps.
Slowly begin to bring the rope back to the original position, inhaling as you do so and repeat for the programmed number of reps.
Equipment needed
Battle Ropes
Dip Bar
EZ Curl Bar
Hex Bar
Pull-Up Bar
Yoga Ball
Muscles used
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Strength distributions
This graph shows how much weight men and women could lift for a single maximum-effort rep.
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