
Bear Crawl Sit Through

Perform the Bear Crawl Sit Through for a dynamic full-body workout. This fun exercise involves crawling on all fours and twisting your body, enhancing core stability, flexibility, strength, and cardio endurance.
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Bear Crawl Sit Through instructions
Step-by-step instructions
Start in a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
Lift your knees a couple inches off the ground and begin moving forward like a bear, that is, moving your right hand and left foot simultaneously, and then your left hand and right foot.
Without moving your hands, kick out your left foot and rotate your body to the right, so that your left hip touches the floor.
Rotate back to the center and then do the opposite side, kicking out your right foot and rotating your body to the left.
Make sure to keep your core tight and to move in a controlled manner.
Start in a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
Lift your knees a couple inches off the ground and begin moving forward like a bear, that is, moving your right hand and left foot simultaneously, and then your left hand and right foot.
Without moving your hands, kick out your left foot and rotate your body to the right, so that your left hip touches the floor.
Rotate back to the center and then do the opposite side, kicking out your right foot and rotating your body to the left.
Make sure to keep your core tight and to move in a controlled manner.
Equipment needed
Battle Ropes
Dip Bar
EZ Curl Bar
Hex Bar
Pull-Up Bar
Yoga Ball
Muscles used
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Strength distributions
This graph shows how much weight men and women could lift for a single maximum-effort rep.
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