
Band Skull Crusher

Band Skull Crusher helps strengthen triceps using a resistance band, focusing on squeezing and stretching triceps for improved arm strength and endurance. Ideal for those working on arm muscle buildup.
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Band Skull Crusher instructions
Step-by-step instructions
Secure a band around a sturdy post or pole. Hold the other end in both hands, facing away from the post. Your arms should be stretched out toward the post at chest height.
Step forward enough so that there is tension in the band. Keeping your body straight and feet shoulder width apart, hinge forward slightly from the hips.
Bend your elbows, lowering the band behind your head until your arms are at a 90-degree angle.
Straighten your arms, raising the band back to the starting position. This completes one rep.
Repeat for the programmed number of reps. Avoid letting your elbows flare out to the sides or using your back to move the band instead of your arms.
Secure a band around a sturdy post or pole. Hold the other end in both hands, facing away from the post. Your arms should be stretched out toward the post at chest height.
Step forward enough so that there is tension in the band. Keeping your body straight and feet shoulder width apart, hinge forward slightly from the hips.
Bend your elbows, lowering the band behind your head until your arms are at a 90-degree angle.
Straighten your arms, raising the band back to the starting position. This completes one rep.
Repeat for the programmed number of reps. Avoid letting your elbows flare out to the sides or using your back to move the band instead of your arms.
Equipment needed
Battle Ropes
Dip Bar
EZ Curl Bar
Hex Bar
Pull-Up Bar
Yoga Ball
Muscles used
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Strength distributions
This graph shows how much weight men and women could lift for a single maximum-effort rep.
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