What are effective ways to make exercise a habit?
August 24, 2024

What are effective ways to make exercise a habit?

Trainwell Trainers

Jumping into a fitness routine, whether you're new or returning to fitness, can be daunting. But don't worry — you're not alone.   

Integrating exercise into your daily life is imperative, contributing to a healthy heart, better sleep, weight management, better moods, a revived sex drive, and reduced health problems. Yet, we often struggle to commit to exercise plans because of a lack of motivation, proper guidance, and support or feeling like there's just not enough time in the day.  

Making exercise a habit can be challenging because we’re naturally drawn to things that offer instant gratification — and exercise doesn’t.

In this post, we look at the habit development process and guide you on how to make exercise a part of your routine.   

How do humans form habits? 

First, understand that learning and unlearning habits doesn’t happen overnight. Making exercise a habit will take time, but it’s possible. 

So, how do we form new habits? 

Habit formation involves three elements: a cue, a routine, and a reward. Take the most basic of tasks, for example: brushing your teeth. First, the cue — seeing your toothbrush or walking into the bathroom —  triggers the brain. Next, you respond to the cue by brushing your teeth. This is the first step in forming a routine. Finally, the reward — the fresh feeling in your mouth — reinforces the behavior and makes you want to do it again.

When it comes to workouts, a cue can be anything from trying out workout clothes to seeing your running shoes. Your response can be starting home workouts or investing in a professional exercise program. The reward — health benefits like better mental health and heart health — can keep you going, ultimately making working out your new habit. 

Environment also plays a crucial role in creating habits. When we say environment, you’re probably thinking about physical spaces like the bathroom, office, gym, etc. But an environment can be anything within these spaces: your books, technology, clothes, and the people around you. 

Your environment triggers your behavior. And that’s why people who want to achieve their fitness goals, for instance, are often advised to surround themselves with fitness enthusiasts. 

Why should you make exercise a habit? 

Regular physical activity is important for a healthy body and mind. Here are five reasons to adopt and commit to an exercise plan:

  • Boosts energy levels: Exercising daily gives you more energy through various mechanisms. First, regular exercise stimulates your body to produce more mitochondria, which increases your body’s energy supply. Physical activity also increases your hormone levels and enhances your nighttime sleep, making you feel more energized. 
  • Enhances mental well-being: Research has shown that regular exercise is a crucial part of managing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and ADHD. A University of South Australia study concluded that regular exercise was 1.5 times more effective at alleviating depressive symptoms than medications and counseling. 
  • Reduces risks of chronic diseases: Regular exercise improves cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, and enhances insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of chronic conditions, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and hypertension. 
  • Weight management: Consistent physical activity can help you reach and maintain your desired body weight by improving your metabolism.  
  • Enhances life longevity: Staying physically active can lower the risk of becoming obese and developing cardiovascular diseases as you age. 

Pro tip: Regular physical activity can help you meet your fitness and health goals. However, achieving lasting results isn’t just about working out — it’s about building steady habits across the board, including your diet and lifestyle.  

What are common barriers people face when trying to create an exercise habit? 

There are several reasons we struggle to stick to a regular exercise routine. Here are some of them:

Not enough time 

Life can be hectic with work, family, dating, exams, and a million other things. We often prioritize these things over working out — understandably, since they’re important too. But the truth is, you don’t need an hour or two; five minutes of exercise is better than nothing.  

But what can you do if you feel like you have limited time for daily exercise? 

  • Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts: HIIT with any cardio workout — running, stair climbing, jumping rope, biking, etc. — is typically short, so it won’t take up too much of your time. You can incorporate some bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges, too.    
  • Get up earlier: If your daily schedule is full, try waking up 15-30 minutes earlier to fit in a quick workout.  
  • Integrate activity into your day: Walk to or from work and take the stairs instead of the elevator. These seemingly small efforts will go a long way.  
  • Consider habit stacking:  Attach a new activity to an old habit. Do 10 push-ups as you brew coffee.  
  • Make a workout appointment: Block off time in your calendar, even if it’s 20 minutes, and make it non-negotiable.  

Pro tip: Don’t bully yourself into finding two hours for a workout; start small with five minutes and gradually increase your sessions.  

Lack of motivation 

Staying motivated can be tough for most of us. Some days, we’re all in and ready to go, and on other days, we can’t seem to find the drive. And that’s normal. But we can learn how to keep moving during these periods. 

Motivate yourself to regularly work out with these tips: 

  • Start small and gradually gain momentum to work out.    
  • Create achievable goals. Such a goal looks like “Do a 20-minute yoga session four times a week.”  
  • Track your progress and make changes if you notice plateaus in your journey.   

A fitness app can be a great tool to keep you on track. With trainwell (formerly CoPilot), you get to enjoy one-on-one training sessions with a certified professional trainer who can help you stay motivated. The trainwell app tracks everything from your reps to your range of motion during each workout, allowing you to set achievable goals that gradually push you to achieve better.

Not knowing what to do 

There are so many physical activities we can do — strength training, resistance training, running, HIIT, etc. But let’s be honest: Having options doesn’t guarantee we know where to start or what to do. 

If you’re having trouble choosing workouts that work for you, consider seeking support from qualified human trainers. 

Trainwell has the best of the best trainers; they’re adaptive, have bachelor's degrees, and have at least three years of training experience. So, you never have to worry about getting stuck with the wrong workouts. We consider your unique goals, gender preferences, and availability to ensure they match with trainers who meet their needs.  

How to create a new exercise habit and add more physical activity to your life 

Creating a new exercise habit and staying physically active daily is a lot like creating art. Initially, it might seem messy and uncertain, but with time, consistency, and some creativity, the masterpiece takes shape. Just like with art, the more you exercise, the more enjoyable it becomes. Here are strategies to create a workout routine you enjoy:  

Start small, then build up 

Most people believe that if they’re not spending two hours at the gym, they’re not working out. However, this is not a sustainable practice, especially for beginners. 

Start with as little as five minutes of exercise, and build from there — walking is a great way to start before you move on to more strength-specific exercises. Keep at it, and you’ll be able to do 60 minutes without experiencing too much fatigue.  

Trainwell can help you build up your workout routines. The app has an extensive workout library filled with simple exercises you can do at home or during breaks, such as Russian twists, lunges, and knee taps. Each exercise comes with instructions and information about how it works and what equipment is needed (if any). 

As you start, it’s also crucial you have a strong “why.” Why are you exercising? Is it for weight management? Confidence-boosting? Better mental health? Having a strong understanding of your reasons will help you stay consistent.  

Schedule your workout 

Once you’ve determined your why, schedule your workouts. Think of your exercise time as an appointment you wouldn’t miss. 

Research about the best time to exercise suggests that any time is suitable. So, schedule your workout sessions for times that are the most convenient for you. If you pick a time that works and stick with it, your body just adapts.  

Find an activity you enjoy  

Another secret to making exercise a habit is finding your jam. Instead of convincing yourself to do workouts you don’t enjoy, find routines that fit your personality and interests.    

If you enjoy nature, cycling or running in a park would be ideal. And if you’re social, start a running group with friends or join a dance class. If you’re introverted, swimming or jogging would be a better fit.   

You can also tell if an activity is a good fit for you by assessing how quickly you progress in it. Making progress makes it enjoyable, leading to consistency. However, don’t be frustrated if you can’t find the best-fit exercise; any routine that leaves you satisfied can be a great choice.  

At trainwell, we create science-based programs and assess clients’ consistency with various exercises to find the best fit for them. The goal is to build routines that get their endorphins high while bringing them closer to their fitness goals. 

Use technology to your advantage 

Workout apps and wearable devices like smartwatches are great tools to put you on the path to achieving your goals. Here is how they do so: 

  • Track your metrics — calories burned, weight, sleeping patterns, body fat percentage, steps, heart rate, and workouts — to help you monitor your routines and adjust your activity levels. 
  • Allow you to set goals, whether it’s a specific weight target, completing a workout regimen, or a particular number of steps per day. 
  • Promote accountability and social sharing to keep you motivated on your fitness journey.  
  • Act as gentle nudges to help you build healthy habits, such as drinking water or working out. 

Trainwell uses advanced motion-tracking technology that allows you to track dozens of metrics in real time — your weight, calories, body fat, body measurements, and more. And the good news is that you can turn this data off completely if you don’t want to see it.  

One of trainwell’s main areas of focus is your strength progress. So, you receive a “Month In Review” showing your progress and consistency. You also get called out for new PRs (personal records). 

Get support from others  

Being part of a community of people passionate about fitness can help you blend exercise into your daily routine.  

Working out with a trainer or in a group class has several benefits, such as:

  • It boosts confidence by connecting you with people with similar struggles. The sense of belonging from being part of a fitness community makes you feel less isolated and more willing to step out of your comfort zone.  
  • It creates a sense of camaraderie and accountability, making you more likely to stick to your routine. 
  • It gives you support and guidance on everything from how to reduce the risk of injury to how to improve your performance.   

You can enjoy these perks from the trainwell online community. We have an active Facebook group to help keep you engaged, motivated, and on track. By being in the group, you’ll benefit from the support of others and have a clear visual representation of your progress.  

Turn your daily workout into part of your lifestyle with trainwell 

Creating a workout habit requires dedication, but it’s possible! Start small, schedule your workouts, do what gets your blood pumping, and join a fitness community for support. If you keep at it, exercise will seamlessly become part of your routine.  

Trainwell can help you incorporate workouts into your daily life through our vast workout library and online support community. Our certified personal trainers will create a personalized workout plan based on your goals and interests to keep you motivated throughout your journey. 

Ready to make exercise a habit? Sign up with trainwell today and start your free 14-day trial!

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