How much should you budget for a personal trainer?
August 6, 2024

How much should you budget for a personal trainer?

Trainwell Trainers

Getting a personal trainer for your fitness journey is the best way to achieve your fitness goals. A professional personal trainer provides personalized workout programs and expert guidance to help you reach your desired fitness level.

But one of the biggest concerns about hiring a personal trainer is the cost. Personal training fees vary significantly among trainers and gyms, and understandably, you want to know exactly how much you will be spending before committing.

Let's explore the factors influencing personal training costs and how much you should budget for a personal trainer.

Understanding personal training costs

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of personal trainer costs, it's essential to understand why there's such a wide range in pricing. Personal training isn't a one-size-fits-all service—various factors can influence how much you pay. 

Additionally, individual trainers have huge variances in quality and trustworthiness, so due diligence is critical to avoid being scammed. That said, here’s what goes into personal training costs.

Factors influencing price

Several variables determine the price of personal training, including:

  • Geographical location: Fitness trainers in big cities or affluent areas tend to charge more due to the high cost of living and demand. If you live in a smaller town or more rural area, you can expect to pay less.
  • Trainer qualifications: A certified personal trainer with years of experience and advanced certifications or specializations, such as yoga, weight management, corrective exercise, and bodybuilding will charge more than a newly certified trainer. Experienced trainers have in-depth knowledge and expertise, which is reflected in their fees.
  • Format of the training: If you opt for one-on-one training, you’ll pay more than if you join group training sessions. One-on-one personal training offers undivided, more personalized attention, which justifies the higher cost. Prices also vary between in-person and online personal training.
  • Length and frequency of the sessions: Personal training sessions can range from 30 minutes to an hour or more. Naturally, longer sessions cost more than shorter ones. And of course, the more often you work with a personal trainer, the higher the total cost.

Average cost range

Most personal trainers charge an average of $40–70 per session, with monthly packages averaging $250–400. This range varies depending on location, experience, and clientele.

Personal trainers in rural areas or small towns might charge $30–50 per session, while high-end trainers in major cities could charge over $200 per hour. The fees get higher for trainers affiliated with exclusive gyms, going up to $300 per hour.

One-on-one sessions with a trainer in a big city can cost $125 or more per hour, while group sessions can range from $20–40 per person. Online personal training is relatively less expensive, ranging anywhere from $25–75 per session.

Additional costs to consider

Besides the base cost of personal training sessions, you may incur other expenses, depending on the trainer and your fitness goals. These costs include:

  • Gym membership: If you're working with a personal trainer at a gym, you’ll need a gym membership. Some trainers include the cost of the membership in their training fees, while others require you to pay for it separately.
  • Special equipment: Some trainers may recommend specific equipment, such as resistance bands, weights, or exercise balls, to help you achieve your fitness goals. These expenses can add up, so factor them into your budget.
  • Nutritional guidance: Many personal trainers offer nutrition coaching and guidance in addition to workout routines. This service may come at an extra cost, pushing the overall price up.
  • Consultation fees: Before committing to a personal trainer, you may have to pay for an initial consultation session or assessment. During this session, the trainer will discuss your fitness goals, assess your current fitness level, and create a fitness plan tailored to your needs. Some trainers include this consultation fee in their package price, while others charge separately or offer free consults.
  • Travel costs: If you have to travel a long distance to meet with your trainer, you need to consider time and fuel costs. Similarly, if the trainer has to travel to you, they may charge an additional fee to cover their travel expenses.

Online personal training vs. traditional personal training: Which is more cost-effective?

You can choose to work with a personal trainer in person or opt for online training. Online coaching offers more convenience and flexibility, since you’re not tied to a specific gym for training.

But how do the costs compare, and what services do you get with each option? The table below shows the average costs and services included in traditional in-person and online training.

Training Type Average Cost per Session Value Proposition
Online personal training $15–75
  • Flexibility
  • Convenience
  • Personalized workout plans and virtual support
  • Affordability, as trainers don’t have overhead costs
  • Train at your own pace
Traditional personal training $40–70
  • Access to gym facilities
  • Accountability
  • Personalized attention
  • Real-time feedback

Quick note here: Be careful when choosing an online training program. Some online personal trainers may just provide generic workout plans or pre-recorded clunky videos without any personalization. Look for trainers who offer personalized plans and ongoing support to get the most out of your online training experience. 

Is it worth it to invest in personal training?

Given the range of costs associated with personal training services, you may wonder if it's worth the investment. While it ultimately depends on your fitness goals, budget, and individual preferences, here are some potential benefits to consider.

Improved health outcomes

The most significant advantage of personal training is that it can help improve your overall health and well-being. When working with a personal trainer, you have access to an expert who designs a workout plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. 

This individualized attention can help you see better results compared to working out on your own. In fact, a 2024 study by the National Library of Medicine showed that personal training helps people achieve their fitness goals more safely and effectively, reducing the risk of injury.

Long-term financial benefits

Many lifestyle-related diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, result from a lack of physical activity and poor nutrition. A personal trainer can help you establish healthy habits and maintain an active lifestyle, reducing your risk of developing these diseases. 

Studies show that people who begin to exercise regularly before or during middle age save $824–1,874 a year on healthcare costs in retirement. Investing in personal training now can save you a significant amount of money in the long run by preventing costly health issues.

Personal accountability and fulfillment 

Beyond physical health, personal training offers psychological and emotional benefits. Regular exercise with a trainer can reduce stress, improve self-esteem, and boost overall well-being. Trainers help instill accountability and provide motivation, ensuring you stay committed to your fitness goals. 

Having an accountability partner (in this case, a personal trainer) can significantly increase your chances of sticking to your workout routine and achieving your fitness goals. Plus, personal trainers handle all the planning and thinking, allowing you to focus solely on showing up and giving your best effort.

Reduced risk of injury

Working with a personal trainer can also reduce your risk of injury during workouts. Trainers assess your fitness level and tailor exercises to your abilities, minimizing the chances of overexertion or strain. 

They can also provide guidance on proper form and technique. For beginners or those with limited exercise experience, this can be invaluable in building a strong foundation for your fitness journey.

How trainwell offers more for less

If you're looking for affordable and flexible personal training, trainwell is the perfect option for you. Here's how trainwell stands out from other online training services:

Personalized services

At trainwell, we believe in personalized fitness journeys. Everyone has unique fitness goals, preferences, and limitations. That's why our certified trainers work with you to create a customized workout plan tailored to your specific needs. 

Whether your goal is weight loss, bodybuilding, or just general health, we'll design a fitness program that works for you. During the initial consultation, we'll:

  • Discuss your fitness goals and preferences
  • Assess your current fitness level
  • Take into consideration any limitations or injuries

Based on this info, your personal trainer will design a customized workout plan with specific exercises, sets, reps, and rest times. That way, you can be sure that your workouts are safe, effective, and aligned with your goals.


We understand that life can be unpredictable, and sticking to a rigid schedule can be challenging. That's why trainwell offers flexibility in our training sessions. Our platform allows you to access your workouts from anywhere, anytime. 

It doesn't matter whether you're at home, traveling, or at the gym. As long as you have an internet connection, you can access your personalized workouts and follow along with your trainer's guidance. This flexibility allows you to seamlessly incorporate fitness into your lifestyle without feeling restricted by time or location. 

Plus, if something comes up and you can't make a scheduled session, you can always reschedule for a more convenient time. Say goodbye to the constraints of traditional personal training and hello to convenience and flexibility with trainwell.

Grows with you

Fitness is a lifelong journey, and your needs and goals may evolve over time. Trainwell adapts to your changing fitness levels and objectives, providing a solution that grows with you. 

As you progress and reach new milestones, your personal trainer will adjust your workout plan to ensure continued progress and prevent plateauing. With trainwell, you'll never have to worry about outgrowing your training program. You'll get professional support every step of the way, no matter how your fitness journey evolves. 

Embrace affordable fitness excellence with trainwell

Personal training fees are not universal. They vary based on location, the trainer's experience level, and the type of training offered, and most personal trainers charge between $40 and $70 per session. Online training provides a more affordable alternative with added convenience and flexibility.

Trainwell is a budget-friendly, custom solution that goes beyond a typical fitness app. Why pay $70+ for a single session with a trainer? Trainwell is just $99/month for unlimited, personalized workouts! 

With custom workout plans, flexibility, and continuous support, trainwell ensures you achieve your fitness goals as affordably, safely, and effectively as possible. Your certified trainer will help you prevent injury, stay motivated, and achieve your goals. 

Don't let the cost of traditional personal training hold you back. Sign up for trainwell today and join 39,000+ members on their journey to a healthier, stronger, and happier self.

Written by trainwell trainers

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