Benefits only a personal trainer can provide
January 31, 2022

Benefits only a personal trainer can provide

David S.

Even if you only hire a trainer for a month, learning the fundamentals of fitness will provide lasting change.

‍Quiz - Do you need a personal trainer?

  • Are you new to fitness?
  • Have you been struggling to start an exercise program?
  • Do you feel stuck in your current fitness program?
  • When you exercise, do you often feel like you’re doing it wrong?
  • Are you getting hurt when you exercise?
  • Do you want to learn how to take care of yourself and exercise on your terms?
  • Do you need motivation, support, and accountability?
  • Are you tired of starting a new program in January only to give up on it by March?

If you said “yes” to most of these questions, then hiring a personal trainer could be the right choice for you.

If you’ve ever considered hiring a trainer, the time couldn’t be better. Let’s review the pros and cons of hiring a personal trainer to see if a fitness trainer is right for you.

Benefits of hiring a personal trainer

A personal trainer isn’t just some fitness know-it-all who learned everything from sketchy websites. To become a certified personal trainer, fitness professionals must get accredited by one of several big-name fitness organizations. 

The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) are trusted organizations. If that sounds a bit overwhelming we’ve got you back. Check out our article on 3 simple steps to hiring a personal trainer to decode the lingo and get tips on choosing the best personal trainer for your goals.

The fitness industry has been exploding in popularity for the last few decades for both trainers and clients alike. People want to get healthy, feel comfortable in their bodies, get stronger, and start enjoying life more. Personal trainers are there to help.

Here are some of the reasons you should hire a personal trainer – whether in-person or online.

Get started on the right foot

Personal trainers can help you start with a strong fitness foundation. You’ll learn proper posture, form, and execution with instant feedback and correction. This can help you prevent injuries and get a routine that you’ll actually enjoy. 

This is easily the most important reason you want to hire a fitness trainer. The habits you learn when you first start exercising can follow you for the rest of your life. It’ll be tougher to break those habits down the road so set yourself up for success with someone who knows their stuff. 

Address specific issues

Movement and exercise are essential for recovery. However, if you have a prior injury, surgery, or illness, your workouts will not look the same as someone else without those challenges. You will need a specially designed workout, maybe even one where your trainer works with your doctor or physical therapist.

You would never want to pluck a workout off the web and try it for yourself during recovery. Instead, hire a personal trainer because they can develop an exercise program around your medical history to ensure you’re benefiting from your routines in a healthy and sustainable way.

Motivation, support, and accountability

Fitness trainers provide an important level of accountability, ensuring you show up not just for yourself but for them as well.

One of the most common reasons that people hire a personal trainer is because they know they won’t exercise otherwise. Studies show that when someone is counting on you and holding you accountable, you’re more likely to show up to get the work done. 

There is no one size fits all in fitness motivation and personal trainers understand this. You might crave daily accountability while someone else only wants check ins once or twice a week. Whichever style of motivation you need, trainers offer support while motivating you to achieve your health and life goals.

Break through a slump

Have you been exercising on your own? Maybe you saw dramatic results during the first month or two, but things have stayed the same ever since.

You, my friend, have hit a plateau. Few things are more frustrating than staying in the same spot after putting in hard work.

A personal trainer knows exactly what to do to help you break out of your plateau and continue seeing results! They can make subtle, or big, changes to your program to help you get the ball rolling again. 

Hop on the knowledge train

Do you know that old expression about teaching a person to fish? It’s the same idea with personal training. You aren’t just improving your health and fitness - you’re actively learning how to exercise and be responsible for your body.

An expert personal trainer is going to treat each session as both a workout and a learning opportunity. By working with your trainer, you’ll gain a library of information that you can use to maintain your results. Best of all, you can pass this knowledge down to family and friends.

Things to consider when hiring a trainer

A personal trainer can be a valuable investment in your health and fitness but here are some things to consider before taking the plunge. If you’ve never hired a trainer before and you’re currently a member of a chain gym that only charges $10 per month, you might have sticker shock when you see the cost of one session with a trainer.

It’s tough to pinpoint an “average” price for a trainer. Newbie trainers might only charge $25 per hour and a veteran trainer can easily charge $100 or more per hour. Want to know what to expect? We have a whole post all about how much personal trainers cost

Basically, you’re paying for knowledge and an expert’s time. What could take you YEARS to figure out on your own is being boiled down and delivered to you in just a few hours. It’s worth every penny.

This is an investment in your health. Ask potential trainers about their credentials, experience, and for client testimonials. If you’re feeling a little lost we have a guide on how to decode personal trainer lingo and get the best trainer possible

Depending on the trainer, you might have to work around their schedule, not the other way around. Even if you are doing online personal training, not every time slot will be available.

Keep this in mind as you create a doable schedule for yourself. Have at least three time slots that you’d like to request from the trainer.

Try a personal trainer before committing to one

Are you on the fence about committing to personal training? Totally understandable! That’s why trainwell has a free trial that gives you access to a world-class remote personal trainer and nutrition trainer.

Trainwell provides all the benefits of an in-person fitness trainer with the flexibility and affordability of an online personal trainer.

You get unlimited personalized workouts, nutrition guidance, live feedback, and support in between sessions with your fitness trainer. Best of all, you get to choose when and where you work out! 

It’s the best of both worlds. You get the full training experience for a fraction of the cost. Trainwell only costs $3 per day for unlimited workouts! That’s cheaper than a breakfast sandwich.

If you want to see how effective one-on-one personal training can be from the comfort of your home, try trainwell for free.

Written by David S.

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