Next chapter of CoPilot (now trainwell): A message from our CEO
April 20, 2022

Next chapter of CoPilot (now trainwell): A message from our CEO

Matt Spettel

Today I am excited to announce the next chapter of trainwell - redefining how people approach improving their health and wellness. We’ve come to recognize that fitness is just one piece of the wellness puzzle and our potential impact goes far beyond personalized workouts and accountability.

Three years ago, my co-founder Gabe Madonna and I set out to help people reach their fitness goals. We built apps, machine learning algorithms, and bots to optimize workouts. Despite our best efforts, we came face-to-face with a harsh reality. Only 8% of people stick with their routines when only using apps or bots.

We realized the missing piece was not smarter technology but empathetic human-to-human training, and thus trainwell (formerly CopPilot) was born. We delivered 1-on-1 personal training to thousands of clients, helping them with fitness and weight loss transformations.

As we grew, the before and after pictures started to appear, and we felt a sense of accomplishment. We were confident we had built a system that optimized the path from point A to point B and got people the outcomes they were looking for.

We became hyper-focused on outcomes and transformations. But when we dug into our data, we had a critical revelation - our clients were overwhelmingly satisfied, happy, and engaged, but only a small percentage (3% to be exact) had experienced what the fitness industry would label a transformation. 

That was the moment when we internalized what was already right in front of us. Trainwell is not about fitness transformations at all. Trainwell exists to empower every client to feel happier and healthier by combining human trainers with simple habit-building strategies.

We realized:

  • It’s not about the number on the scale - it’s about feeling good in your body.
  • It’s not about fad diets or calorie counting - it’s about building a healthy relationship with food.
  • It’s not about spending hours in the gym - it’s about creating a regular habit of movement that you enjoy. 
  • It’s not about forcing yourself to follow a plan perfectly - it’s about celebrating every small win along the way.

By shifting the focus away from metric-driven transformations and towards daily wins, we put success within reach for every client. Trainers spearheading this approach have already achieved outstanding results - with 81% of their clients sticking with their habits after six months compared to the industry average of 20%. 

Here are a few client testimonials that showcase why we all need to rethink what success looks like:

“So I’ve been thinking about what you said about the number on the scale… and I’ve honestly weighed myself at least four times a month for the past six years, and I’ve never been satisfied... But now I am really noticing myself getting stronger…  and I finally feel good.” - Robyn

“This is the least tense I’ve felt in years. Today I was able to physically feel today how far I’ve come since I first started last year. Life doesn’t feel like a huge continual mountain to climb anymore. I feel more like myself than I have in years.” -  Mike

“​​I can walk up the steps to my 7th-floor apartment without stopping to catch my breath! And now I’m working on getting to the roof patio.” - Natalie

“My dad bod is doing what it needs to. I picked up my 24 lb son and tossed him in the air. I would never have been able to do that six months ago!” - Terry

We’ve been hard at work developing and practicing this new approach with our trainers over the last several months. Expect an update to the app on Monday, April 25th, that brings many of these changes to life - more details on that are coming very soon! 

Thank you to each and every one of you for being outstanding members of the trainwell community and coming on this journey with us.


Matt Spettel

Co-founder & CEO

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