Trainer tips: 7 Sneaky tips for getting in more steps
April 6, 2022

Trainer tips: 7 Sneaky tips for getting in more steps

Trainwell Trainers

Finding time in the day to get in a walk doesn’t always happen. Life gets busy and we understand that. Our incredible trainers put together some tips to help you sneak in more steps each week. Every little bit adds up over time! 

CoPilot fitness coach Allison
Trainwell trainer Allison

Set a timer during your workday to help make it a priority to get up and move. This will help break up your day and keep you mentally charged up! As a bonus take the stairs if it’s an option

CoPilot fitness coach olivia
Trainwell trainer Olivia

Walking meetings for the win! You’ll be surprised how many steps and energy this adds to your day. This is my go to for workdays when I have less time to get outside or exercise. 

CoPilot fitness coach grace
Trainwell trainer Grace

Walk around while talking on the phone rather than sitting. Get up from your desk often even if it's just to take a lap around the house or office. You’re body and mind will get some much needed stretch and mini break. 

CoPilot fitness coach jackie
Trainwell trainer Jackie

If the weather is nice, just try to get out and enjoy it. Take your pet for a walk, listen to music, or talk to someone on the phone while walking. 

CoPilot fitness coach tatiana
Trainwell trainer Tatiana

I love taking my dog for a walk outside! I definitely pace while talking on the phone with friends or try to take breaks in between work calls with a walk around my apartment and play with my dog

CoPilot fitness coach maria
Trainwell trainer Maria

When working from home I always force myself to use the bathroom in the basement so that way I get extra steps in throughout the day. Only have one floor or bathroom? Maybe take one lap around the house before going into the bathroom. 

CoPilot fitness coach kris
Trainwell trainer Kris

I set a timer to get up every hour and stretch to keep my body feeling loose and get a mental break from work. A favorite stretch of mine is Frankenstein. Stand with your feet under your hips and arms extended in front of you at shoulder height. Then kick your feet up one at a time and walk like Frankenstein! 

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Written by trainwell trainers

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