4 Tips to start working out at home
April 4, 2022

4 Tips to start working out at home

Rachel Wadsley, PhD

Let’s be honest, getting started working out can sound like a lot of work and potentially expensive. But have no fear. We’ve rounded up some tricks to make getting started a little bit easier (and friendlier on your budget). 

Set yourself up right

Create a workout nook in your home. It doesn't have to be a dedicated space or take up half your living room. Choose a setup that works best for your life. It can be as simple as having hand weights tucked under the coffee table or a yoga mat rolled up on the side of your couch for easy access. 

Pick an area where you’ll have space to move around and won’t have to shift too much furniture around. The more accessible your area is, the more likely you’ll get in your workout. 

Skip the equipment

You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment or any equipment. Bodyweight exercises are incredibly effective (and free). You’ll increase your strength, flexibility, and coordination all at the same time. 

Go at your own pace, modify moves to fit your needs, and break up your workout sessions if that helps. Try out a commercial challenge. Alternate between different types of exercise during each commercial break. Before you know it, you’ll have 10-15 minutes of exercise wrapped up. 

Examples of bodyweight exercises:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Situps
  • Push-ups (wall, knee, or floor)
  • Planks (wall, counter, elbow, floor)
  • Skaters
  • Walking (to somewhere or in place)

Think outside the box

Exercise doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) boring. If you don’t like any of the bodyweight exercises we talked about, that’s okay. Think about what you do like or activities you’re already doing in your day. 

Maybe you dance in the kitchen while cooking (a personal favorite), chase your kids around the house, or walk while talking on the phone. Those are all equally good, free, and zero equipment required forms of movement. 

Seek out support

Going at it alone can be well lonely! Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated, or you want someone to celebrate your wins with you. Chances are you know someone who is also on a health journey. Schedule workout dates with a buddy (virtually or in person), get your family involved, or hire a personal trainer

A personal trainer or fitness trainer can help you create a workout plan tailored to your life and goals. They take the guesswork out of creating better and doable routines. Plus, your trainer can help you with other areas of your life like food, sleep, and stress which all play roles in living a healthier and happier life. This can save you a lot of time, and frustration while giving you added support and accountability. 

If you’re ready to dive into working out at home (or even dip your toe in) sign up for a free trial of trainwell. You’ll get complete access to the program including a 40-minute call with your trainer. 

Written by Rachel Wadsley, PhD

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