How to hire a reliable personal trainer
August 8, 2024

How to hire a reliable personal trainer

David S.

Are you struggling to see progress in your fitness goals, or are you a newcomer to exercise? A personal trainer can help fast-track your progress and get you off on the right foot.  

Personal trainers are professional fitness trainers who are certified by one of many accrediting organizations, including NSCA, ACSM, and NASM.

Basically, those snazzy letters mean the fitness trainer has completed the educational requirements to become a trainer. 

But make no mistake about it — not all personal trainers are created equal! Each trainer has different costs, levels of experience, specialties, and preferred training methods. Below, we’ll discuss what you should look for in a personal trainer so you get the one that’s best for you and your needs. 

Why do you need a personal trainer?

When starting a fitness journey, it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to do it all on your own. There are plenty of generic workout plans online, but these aren't tailored to your specific goals, abilities, or limitations. 

So, when you eventually hit a plateau, you’re much more likely to get discouraged and give up since you're not seeing meaningful results.

Hiring the right personal trainer can help you avoid this cycle and stay on track toward your goals by:

  • Creating personalized workout plans tailored to your fitness level, goals, and limitations
  • Providing motivation and accountability to keep you on track and consistent
  • Teaching proper form and techniques to prevent injuries and ensure effective workouts
  • Pushing you past plateaus with new exercises and techniques to challenge your body
  • Keeping up with your progress and making adjustments to your workout plan as you improve
  • Offering nutritional guidance to support your fitness journey and maintain a healthy lifestyle

Benefits of working with a personal trainer

Given the personalized approach and expert guidance offered by certified personal trainers, there are numerous benefits to working with one, including:

Unique, evidence-based workout plans

If you've tried one of those one-size-fits-all workout plans before, you know they don't always work. Everyone's body is different and responds differently to exercises. 

A personal trainer's knowledge and expertise in exercise science enables them to create evidence-based workout plans that consider your specific goals, fitness level, and preferences. Customized plans ensure you perform exercises that are most effective for your needs. 

Typically, these plans incorporate a mix of:

  1. Cardiovascular exercises to improve heart health and burn calories
  2. Strength training and weightlifting to build muscle, increase bone density, and boost metabolism
  3. Flexibility and mobility exercises to improve range of motion and prevent injuries
  4. Core training for improved balance, stability, and posture

Expert guidance and support

You've probably seen someone doing a Romanian deadlift (RDL) with a rounded back or a chest press with their elbows flared out. These are common mistakes that can lead to injuries and hinder progress. 

A good personal trainer will teach you the proper form for each exercise, ensuring you perform movements correctly and safely. For instance, when doing an RDL, a trainer will cue you to keep your back straight and engage your core.

Efficient use of your time

Unlike group fitness classes, where one fitness instructor must cater to multiple participants, personal training sessions are typically one-on-one. This means your workouts are structured and goal-oriented, with every minute spent on exercises that align with your goals. 

With a personal trainer, you don’t have to worry about what exercise to do next or how to perform it correctly. They'll take care of all that for you, so you can maximize your time and efforts in the gym.

Motivation and accountability

Let's be honest. We’ve all skipped a workout or two because we just didn't feel like it. With a personal trainer, you have someone who will hold you accountable to stay committed and consistent in your fitness routine. 

Trainers provide motivation and encouragement, pushing you past plateaus and challenging you to reach new fitness levels. They'll also track your progress, celebrate your successes, and help you overcome setbacks. 

Accountability from a trainer leads to fewer skipped workouts and more steady progress toward your goals.

Online vs. in-person training: Which is best for you?

The choice between in-person and online training depends on your personal preferences, lifestyle, and goals. In-person training offers the traditional approach of working with a personal trainer face-to-face at a commercial gym or private studio. 

Online training, on the other hand, allows you to work with a trainer remotely, using technology like video calls, personal trainer apps like trainwell, and workout tracking apps. It's a more flexible and convenient option for busy individuals or those who prefer to work out in the comfort of their own homes. 

To help you decide which training style is best for you, check out the table below.

In-Person Training Online Training
Face-to-face interaction with a trainer Remote training from anywhere, anytime
Immediate feedback on form and technique More affordable than in-person training
Access to equipment and facilities at the gym Flexible scheduling based on your availability
Scheduling based on trainer availability Access to a wider pool of experienced trainers specializing in different areas

One of the biggest cons of online personal training is that you don’t get access to a gym or equipment, but with trainwell, that’s not a problem. Our personal trainers can create custom workout programs that focus on bodyweight exercises or are tailored to your home gym setup. 

Important qualifications and characteristics to look for

Just like with any profession, some trainers have more qualifications and experience than others. So, when choosing a personal trainer, here are some important things to look for.


When vetting personal trainers, the first thing you should check is their certification(s). There are tons of different certifications out there, but you want to make sure your trainer has a “nationally recognized certification.” Some of the best personal trainer certification organizations include:

  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
  • The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
  • American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Some honorable mentions would be NCSF, ISSA, and AFAA personal training certifications, but they aren’t as common as the above organizations.

All trainers certified by these organizations have in-depth knowledge of anatomy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, and nutrition. They also have to recertify every few years so they stay up-to-date with current research and trends in the fitness industry.

Advanced certifications

The Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) certification is an extremely difficult certification to achieve and only a handful of trainers ever qualify for it. If you find a trainer with a CSCS, they really know their stuff!

Need nutrition guidance along with physical training? Most people do, but not all trainers have a background in nutrition. Look for a trainer who has a Precision Nutrition or NASM Nutrition Coaching certification. 

Keep in mind, they won't get as in-depth as a registered dietitian, but they will be able to offer a ton of great guidance. For instance, they can give you macro and calorie recommendations based on your goals and teach you how to modify your nutrition on training days vs. rest days. 


Does your trainer have any relevant degrees? Many top trainers will have degrees in exercise science, human performance, athletic performance, kinesiology, or similar fields. Some will even have a master's degree or PhD. 

However, degrees are not always that important when it comes to being a great trainer. If you're looking for some general health, fitness, and strength instruction, then you don't necessarily need a trainer with a degree. 

On the flip side, if you're looking for some high-level performance training or suffer from a complex injury or medical condition, a trainer with a degree might be better suited for your needs. 


How long has the trainer you’re interested in been actively training? In other words, how much one-on-one experience do they have?

Even if the trainer has one of the most respected certifications and you get along great with them, if they don’t have any one-on-one experience with clients, that means you’re a guinea pig.

Try to find a trainer with at least a year of hands-on experience under their belt. You don’t have to go for the most experienced trainer, but you should pick one who knows their way around the gym and has worked with clients with similar goals as yours.


Great, you’ve found a trainer with the right certifications and experience. But what do their current and former clients think about them?

Well-loved trainers will have no issues at all providing you with testimonials, client reviews, and sharing success stories from social media or their own website.

If the trainer is relatively new and still building an online presence, you can ask them for references from previous clients. You want to trust the trainer and find out whether others have had success with them before committing.


You will be spending a lot of time with your trainer, so it’s important to make sure your personalities mesh. Think about what type of coaching style helps you feel the most supported and motivated. 

For example, some people like an aggressive trainer who gets loud and motivates them with phrases like, “come on, you got this!” or “just one more rep!” If that’s not your style and you prefer a calmer trainer who gently encourages you, this is what you should be looking for. 

It’s easier to find a trainer who is your speed than expect a trainer to change who they are and how they work. The best way to assess a trainer’s personality is by taking advantage of any free consultations or introductory sessions they offer.

Personal training style

Different personal trainers have different styles and approaches to training their clients. It’s important to find a trainer whose style aligns with your own preferences and goals. If you don't enjoy the way your trainer works, it's going to be difficult for you to stay committed and motivated in your fitness journey.

Some common personal training styles include motivational, instructional, and hands-on. 

  • A motivational trainer will push you to your limits and use positive reinforcement to keep you going. They are often energetic, enthusiastic, and focused on helping you achieve your fitness goals through intense workouts.
  • An instructional trainer focuses more on teaching proper form and technique to prevent injury and maximize the benefits of each exercise. They may not be as loud or motivational, but they will provide detailed instructions and modifications for your specific needs.
  • A hands-on trainer will physically guide you through exercises and provide hands-on adjustments to ensure proper form and technique. This style may be beneficial for beginners or those recovering from injuries.

It's also important to consider the types of training your trainer specializes in, like:

A trainer who specializes in the type of training you’re looking for will help you get better results and prevent injury and burnout.


Personal training costs range anywhere from $20 a session to $200. If you find an amazing trainer who is a bit more expensive than everyone else, there’s a reason for this. 

That trainer probably has a ton of experience and certifications. This equals knowledge they can easily pass on to you in a fraction of the time it may take a newer or less credentialed trainer. 

So, while you have to consider your budget, think about the long-term cost. A better trainer may help you reach your goals quicker and save money in the long run. After all, wouldn’t you rather pay more for someone who can help you achieve amazing results faster AND you love training with? 

What to watch out for when hiring a fitness trainer

There’s nothing wrong with trainer shopping. You want to find someone who's going to invest in your success, and sometimes that means sifting through some bad matches before you land on the perfect fit. 

You can always hire a trainer for a month to see if you get along well. But be on the lookout for these red flags that indicate they’re not the right trainer for you: 

  • Lack of experience working with clients
  • Overly aggressive sales tactics
  • Makes you feel uncomfortable in any way
  • Doesn’t explain well (or at all) why you’re doing an exercise and how it helps you
  • Pushes for quick-fix solutions or gimmicks instead of focusing on long-term, sustainable habits
  • Doesn’t ask about your past training experience or injuries
  • Unavailable or unresponsive when it comes to scheduling sessions or answering questions
  • Doesn’t ask about or focus on your specific goals
  • Tells you to “push past” genuine pain
  • Poor communication skills

How to make the final decision when you hire a personal trainer

Once you've narrowed down your options and found a few potential trainers, it's time to make the final decision. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice for your fitness journey.

Evaluate trainer compatibility

How well do you get along with the trainer? Do they understand your goals and listen to your concerns? Can they motivate and challenge you effectively? What's their communication style like? Choose a trainer who you feel comfortable with and who aligns with your personality, values, and goals. 

Check references and testimonials

Request references from past or current clients and ask about their experiences. Check online reviews and testimonials to better understand the trainer's reputation and track record. A great personal trainer should have satisfied clients who can attest to their effectiveness, reliability, and professionalism.

Discuss long-term goals and expectations 

Have an open and honest discussion about your long-term fitness goals and expectations with the trainer. Ensure they understand your goals and will create a personalized plan to help you reach them. Clarify what you can expect in terms of results, progress tracking, regular check-ins, and program updates. 

Understand pricing and policies

Review the personal trainer's pricing and policies to ensure they align with your budget and needs. Ask about session rates, package deals, payment options, cancellation policies, and any additional fees. Understand what you are paying for and make sure there are no hidden costs.

Trust your instincts

What's your overall impression and gut feeling about the trainer? Do you feel confident and excited about working with them? Don't ignore any red flags or doubts you may have. Trust your instincts and choose a trainer who you feel confident in and excited to work with — a positive trainer-client relationship is key to success.

How trainwell can help make this whole process simple

Trainwell connects clients with certified, experienced personal trainers who create customized workout plans based on individuals’ specific goals, preferences, and fitness levels.

Our rigorous vetting process ensures that all trainers on the platform are highly qualified and have a proven track record of success. In fact, only 3% of trainer applicants are accepted onto the platform, and they all have degrees, certifications, and at least three years of experience in the fitness industry. 

But it even gets better:

  • All of our trainers are highly adaptable to accommodate your specific needs and goals.
  • Our trainers have a diverse range of genders, ethnicities, and training specializations, so you can find someone who truly understands and relates to you.
  • Trainwell trainers use an exercise library of over 1,500 exercises and variations to build custom workout plans that fit the equipment and space you have available. If you don't have access to a gym or equipment, no problem! Our trainers can create personalized bodyweight or minimal equipment workouts for you.
  • You can easily communicate with your trainer through the app, get progress tracking and monitoring, schedule sessions at your convenience, and receive ongoing support and guidance.

With trainwell, you get all the benefits of in-person training — personalized attention, form corrections, and motivation — without any of the downsides, such as high costs, limited access, and inconvenient schedules. And the best part? You get all this at an affordable price point.

Hire the ideal personal trainer for your needs through trainwell

Hiring a personal trainer is one of the best ways to achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. A personal trainer will assess your fitness level, create a customized workout plan, provide motivation and support, and keep you accountable. 

The best personal trainer for you will align with your goals, personality, and budget, but finding the right match on your own can be a challenge. And that’s where trainwell comes in!

With trainwell, you can be confident that every trainer on our platform is highly qualified, experienced, and reliable. We’ll help you find your ideal personal trainer and support you throughout your fitness journey.

Experience convenience, affordability, and personalized attention. Sign up for trainwell today and take your fitness to the next level!

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